• Phone: +234 (905) 604 3663
  • Address: Rivers, Nigeria

Proprietor's Welcome Address

Thank you for your interest in Brainstorm Montessori Schools and for giving us the opportunity to share a glimpse of it with you.

This website will inform you about our history, aims, and academic programmes and of the very wide range of activities we offer to our pupils. This site however, cannot convey the most important thing of all – the feeling of warmth within the school.

A visit will assure you that your son or daughter will thrive here in a happy purposeful community which encourages children to do their best in everything they undertake.

Ours is an integrated and structured programme which offers continuity, stability and progressive development. We are constantly evolving our systems to reflect best practice as identified by current educational research.

Our goal is to develop world-class students equipped with the knowledge and skills to function productively anywhere in the world. This we achieve, not only through the use of best practices, state of the art, up to-date technology and purpose-built infrastructure, but especially through our body of experienced and dedicated staff who work as a team to create an effective learning environment and a happy community.

We hope to ensure that each child will find some aspect of school life from which he or she will derive a sense of achievement, so that when the time comes to move on to the next stage of education, our pupils will not only have discovered and developed their talents, but will take with them into the future the great gifts of confidence and self-esteem.

Parents who desire this quality of education for their children are welcome to visit the school. We look forward to meeting and working with you to provide the best possible education for your child.

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